The Estuary at Friendship Application Results
The National Housing Trust is pleased to publish the names of 1425 persons short-listed to be interviewed for loans for units in The Estuary at Friendship scheme in St James. Selectees were short-listed and assigned points based on their years of contribution to the Trust and their incomes.
Please note, this is a selection for interviews only and is not a guarantee of a loan. If your name is on the list and you do not receive a letter from the NHT within the next two weeks, please contact the St James office at 952-0063 or 979-3418-9.
Should solutions become available due to the withdrawal of any of the selectees, the next qualified person(s) from the original list of eligible applicants will be notified and invited to be interviewed for the benefit.
For information on the NHT’s selection criteria, please visit here.