No new recruitment for ‘farm work’ programme on June 26 – ministry
Minister of Labour and Social Security, Shahine Robinson, greets some of the first batch of farmworkers to be sent to Canada for 2017. The group of approximately 375 left the island in January. (Photo: JIS)
KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) – The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is advising that recruitment for the Overseas Employment Programme will not be done on Monday, June 26.
Instead, the ministry will begin the pre-selection of individuals who already submitted farm work applications in May.
The programme provides opportunities for hundreds of Jamaicans on Canadian and American farms annually.
Recruitment for the programme is done based on the needs of overseas employers. The last recruitment was done in 2015 and resulted in a pool of approximately 3,000 people from which to select.
To ensure successful placement in the programme individuals must:
• Be between 21 and 45 years old
• Possess a Tax Registration Number (TRN) and a National Insurance Scheme (NIS) number
• Be literate
• Have not been refused a visa in the last year by the Canadian or USA authorities
• Not have been previously deported from any country
• Possess no criminal record